The projects discussed here are my own projects and
therefore I control the release of information about them. Client
project data
is carefully
guarded and released only with client permission and is not available on this site. I work
with clients to create unique systems and concepts and invite your
expressions of interest in letting me find solutions to your problems.

major activity I am pursuing in my own projects is the development of
new energy sources and new types of instrumentation technology.
There are proposals currently submitted from clients to which I will
contribute my services in developing unique technology applications to
provide more energy, more easily controlled, to users.
The "Sub Cutter" is a device which seems a contradiction of terms
- a strip miner for coal or tar sands which does not disturb the surface vegetation or
strata! It is not possible to give a detailed description of all engineering
functions in this web site but in principle the machine removes a seam or bed
down to about 15 meters below the surface by using somewhat conventional
coal or other mining machines mounted in the front of the circular lower portion
of the machine under computer control and using television cameras allowing
the operators on the surface to control the cutting operation.
Material which is not coal or other material is cut and pushed to the back of the machine
while the desirable material is taken on a conveyor to a vertical conveyor which sends
it up the "conning tower" and out to waiting conveyors or trucks.
Waste material from the mining operation is forced out the back of the machine
by hydraulic rams and the machine itself slowly pushes itself forward while
the conning tower rotates to drag material in front to the rear, and the surface
unit also pulls the conning tower forward. Machine stresses in the
conning tower are controlled by stress sensors which do not allow bending
stresses to build up in the tower.
As the machine moves forward, the area behind it collapses to fill the
void left by the removal of the coal. Material such as "spent"
tar sands can also be disposed of by sending it down the rotating
conveyor belt and sequestering the material behind the Subcutter.
Material above the Subcutter lower body will also collapse often on the
machine, but the machine is capable of moving ahead under this load as
well. This is a very powerful machine and will be costly, but no
more so than the large machines now used in open pit mines.
The environmental advantages of this machine are, we believe huge as with
appropriate auxiliary machines even trees could be removed and replaced as
the subcutter passes by and the small disturbance the tower makes can be
easily restored and reseeded. America has gigantic beds of coal and other materials which
can serve as an energy source and a source for industrial chemicals which
are now embroiled in various legal proceedings and Subcutter will allow us
to "have our cake and eat it too" by providing surface mining all can live
This is an example of Young Ideas view that any problem can be solved
with enough ingenuity!
The Sub Cutter is a very large undertaking and will require many investors
and a large amount of work which we cannot complete by
ourselves. We would serve as technical and creative advisors as was done
on the
Natural Bridges Solar Plant We invite
your interest in this environmentally sound idea as the world needs more energy to reduce dependence on oil.

There is an ongoing effort to develop cost effective photovoltaic
systems for Indian and other families. Recent elections in India
have shown the desire of the poor in India to share in the growing
Indian economy and electricity for rural homes and villages will be a
great challenge. Where our work will lead is as yet unknown, but
there are many expandable applications for systems which can begin with
low cost, minimal performance and as funds allow, expand to larger,
more capable systems in a "plug and play" concept we are working on.
This is a cost effective application for
systems which is not being addressed because of bureaucracies, poor designs,
and several other problems. We are working to solve these problems.